Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rachel and Dave: Couples' Session

If ever a couple could change the world with their love - it's them.
And quite honestly, it's not a matter of can...they will.
Rachel and Dave, I adore you two.  Thank you for the ways you have inspired our family.  For the ways you've loved us.  Supported us.  And picked us up when we fell.  (Sometimes literally...)  Thank you for the way you give your lives for others.  You two are incredible and we are so grateful for you.

Could they be any more adorable?!?

LOVE.  Times infinity.


In case you needed another reminder...

If you'd like to see more from Rachel and Dave's couples' session, visit their SLIDE-SHOW.  And the music?  The incredible Andrea Bustin wrote that song and had her parents sing it.  Let's just say I'm in love.  If you'd like to stay up to date on Andrea's concert schedule or order her album, be sure to check out her website...

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